I grew up in a traditional Church...I'm still in a traditional Church. The difference between when I was younger and now is me. I changed. When I was told by my mother, I had to go to Church...I did, it was just a part of life! She even took out my clothes. I remembered at 12 years old I didn't want to wear the red and white polka dot dress with the puff sleeves. So, I protested...I was told by no mean order that I had to wear it. And I did. No more protests.
I changed for the better when as a teenager I became curious about the God I served. I wanted to know the WHY of it all. I'm still learning. I became very defensive of 'my church' without even knowing it fully, because, you know it's a traditional Church and the community surrounding our church sometimes didn't regard it as a Christian Church, they called it 'society church' meaning only a certain class from society attended it. So, with my new found 'knowledge' I thought I had to defend the church I attended.
I changed again in the latter part of High School. I had the pleasure of being among a group of girls who all went to different Churches, but we had JESUS in common, and we loved and served him. Here was when I had my very first fast. This left an indelible impression on me, I defended Christ, not Church (later on I realize He didn't need defending😊). In College, I went a little rogue (some people won't believe me). But God placed a few Christians in my midst to keep me in line throughout my time there, so I didn't stray too far. Thank God.
Throughout the years, I wondered, 'how will I share the message of Christ?' I didn't like standing up in front of people, still don't. I didn't believe I was qualified to speak about God. Especially because all the stories I heard was... 'down on my luck lost and Jesus found me'. I wasn't on drugs and he rescued me, and I wasn't abused by my parents and had to run away. Nope none of that. I went to school, church, extra lessons and back home. So I thought I didn't have much to offer.
Everywhere I worked before and after College, God placed a Christian in the midst whom I learnt a lot from. These women enhanced my growth aka change and I'm still friends with them today. By their conduct alone, you knew they were Christian's and they didn't have the 'lost, but found' story either.
As a Designer, ideas are always flowing, I thank God for the gift, and screen printing was among my favs. I did it for my church, in the form of banners and Tshirts. I tried a few original designs and sold to friends, nothing serious, but I was encouraged to continue.

I remember one day on my commute to work, in the early 2000's, I saw a young lady, maybe my age at the time, with the most obnoxious statement on her t-shirt. I thought, I would so change that to make a better statement. After that a flood gate of ideas kept coming. I couldn't scribble them down fast enough. In church...I had to use the back of my church program cause that's where I got most of the ideas.
At that time the term message board was just beginning to take shape in the world wide web. But what I pictured was all of us as walking message boards and that as messengers we should showcase God's message in every way and every aspect of our lives.
messageboard was born and I began to fine tune the designs for t-shirts. I now fully believe, that I have a part to play in God's kingdom. That I could share what I know of him, through his very own words! How cool was that! (But not so easy read the about page). The scripture verse Romans 12:6-8 that states
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us..."
solidified my belief that I am a Messenger. I'm not a preacher or a teacher, but my creative gifts from God is to be used to honour him, glorify him and share his message to and with others. I do this currently but not just with T-shirts.
I am a messenger, are you?